The miserable life living in Germany that you need to know about

The line outside the German visa office at 3am. Only walk-in appointments due to the super high-tech appointment website in 2015.

Never in my life had I imagined I’d live in Europe. But in trying to escape living with my abusive hoarder dad, and being told all my life that Malaysia is a hell hole that I needed to escape from in general, and being tired of the US immigration system’s difficulty, I found myself living in Germany for a good amount of time. Since the early 2010’s, it has actually been incredibly easy to enter Germany, either as a student or worker, and attain German permanent residence shortly after. As I later would discover, there’s good reason why Germany doesn’t have skilled immigrants lining up at its door…

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Why I plan to leave Germany and head back to Kuala Lumpur

I had planned to put together a post like this at a later point but I suppose it’s a good thing I get this post out there now to set the basis for several future posts that investigate in-depth where all of these feelings come from.

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